How to enter a Adult Program offered by TACL, If you or a loved one is interested in attending a TACL program, please contact Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) and request a referral. All TACL programs require a CLBC referral directly from CLBC.
Adult Programs: CLBC Referrals
Adult program referrals are accepted through Community Living British Columbia (CLBC).
People may receive information on TACL services through their CLBC worker, by contacting TACL directly, exploring our website or through a TACL brochure.
Click the image above to go to the Community Living BC website.
Residential Support
TACL provides support for people who have an intellectual disability in residential settings or “group homes”. Our homes consist of 5 or 6 people sharing a home with each person receiving specialized support from support workers 24 hours per day.
Community Support
The Community Support program provides services to individuals with disabilities who live independently in the community. Some people need support to buy groceries, see the doctor, see the dentist or to create and maintain a financial budget.
Self-Advocacy Support
Self-Advocacy is about speaking for yourself, speaking out for your rights and teaching others to speak out for their rights. It is important for people with disabilities to learn and understand that they have the right to make choices for themselves.
Day Program
Our Day Program operates Monday to Friday where the focus is Employment and Community Inclusion where we offer Customized Employment options as well as Skill Development and our Social/Rec and Leisure activities.
Career Development
Career Development Services (CDS) is a non-profit organization that provides the tools necessary for persons with disabilities and persons with multiple barriers to employment to gain mainstream employment.