Non-profit organizations are required by law to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Ensuring that this statutory business meeting takes place is part of good governance. The AGM is an opportunity for a board to share the news, challenges and successes of the organization and hear from its membership. It is often the primary two-way communication channel for a board and its stakeholders.

DATE: Friday June 30, 2023
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: Trail Association Activity Centre - 1769 RIVERSIDE AVENUE, TRAIL BC

Memberships available at the door

a) TACL’s Mission & Vision Statement
b) The Financial Statements
c) The report of the Auditor
d) The report of the Directors
e) Nominations to the Board of Directors

Due to COVID-19 there will be limited seating available. Board Members and those seeking Membership will be given priority. Remaining seating available at a first come basis. Wearing of masks will be mandatory, while inside the building. Masks will be available.


TACL AGM Download

AGM - June 2023