Just a reminder that Thrifty Treasures will be having a huge Garage Sale at both 1565 Bay Ave and 1456 Bay Avenue (Community Inclusion Centre) downtown Trail from 9am to 3pm on April 28th and 29th. All sales for both days will be going to the Trail Youth Centre.

The Trail Youth Centre located in East Trail @ 1696 Second Avenue came under the TACL umbrella as of March 1, 2018. The City of Trail will continue to support this program with a grant of $20,000.00 for this year, however, we need to raise more funds for programming costs.

Please see the latest newsletter regarding the newest resources available for the youth in our community.

Youth Centre Newsletter April, 2018

We at the Trail Association for Community Living would like welcome all the participants and their families into our organization. Volunteers are always welcome.

Come and find your treasures and support a worthy cause!!!