Greetings local youth stakeholders, and welcome to the inaugural Trail Youth Center Newsletter! TACL/CDS officially took over management of the centre on March 1st, meaning that local youth were able to continue using the space without any interruption in service.
For the time being, the hours and days of operation will remain the same: Tuesday through Thursday, 3:30-8:30pm.
A fantastic group of volunteers from CDS and some practicum students helped with a deep-clean and reorganize of the centre, and some new equipment was brought in. I’m happy to report that the youth centre now has a proper stove.
Along with the new stove, the centre was properly re-wired with some outlets and parts of the breaker panel fixed. A computer work station was added to one wall where two Work BC employment counsellors will work with job-seeking youth on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00pm. Youth are now able to write and print resumes, and get access training programs. A big thanks goes to Rossland Computers who have donated hardware and helped get them wired up for this workstation. Another big thanks goes to the Kiwanis Club of Trail who have graciously decided to sponsor the costs of internet for the centre for the year.
I’m also pleased that we will be continuing to partner with other community organizations. Freedom Quest is regularly visiting the centre and running a program on self-care. The Selkirk Street Nurses dropping by during their semester, ready to answer health questions and give presentations as well.
Overall it’s been a very smooth transition and the centre is seeing new youth faces, as well as all the old regulars. This month CDS and local youth will be running a rummage sale at the Community Inclusion Centre to help raise money for the centre on the weekend of the 28th and 29th. Keep your eyes and ears open for more details!
Youth Centre Wishlist:
- The pool table needs fixing or replacing.
- The piano could use a bench, and possibly a tune up.