Book Buzz-Day Program

Book Buzz-Day Program

TACL Day Program Book Buzz has been engaged in a book series: The Last Firehawk. They have been enjoying the adventure!

KSCU donates $5236.00

KSCU donates $5236.00

Kootenay Savings Credit Union presented a cheque for $5236.00 to donate to our Getting to Home Project. Many Thanks!

Bloomin Volunteers

Bloomin Volunteers

Day Program individuals volunteered with the Communities in Bloom to help clean out planters for the winter.

Teck-Technical Services Donation

Teck-Technical Services Donation

Holly Jenkin presented to the La Nina Shelter and Getting to Home program a van full of donations as part of their Inclusion and Diversity initiative. Your support of our programs is much appreciated!

TACL – Riverside Mural for Inclusion

TACL – Riverside Mural for Inclusion

The Trail Association for Community Living (TACL) is thrilled to unveil a mural painted on the side of our Activity Centre on Riverside Avenue. Tyler Toews of Canadian murals has created a masterpiece!

2021 TACL Annual General Meeting!

2021 TACL Annual General Meeting!

Non-profit organizations are required by law to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Ensuring that this statutory business meeting takes place is part of good governance.